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Hallde RG-100 Vegetable Preparation Machine
The RG-100 suits in small to medium sized kitchens; bakery, kindergarten, café/ bar, catering, home care, hospital, marine, hotel, military canteen, prison, restaurant, school, Fast food restaurant (in store cutting), Supermarkets etc. (Cutting Tools are not included in the machine price).
Single Phase&
All Metal Machine Housing & Feed Head, 10 amp&
Speed 350rpm&
Over 40 different Cutting Tools Available to suit all requirements (additional cost - please contact us for more information)&
Other voltages/cycles available on application&
Carry handles for easy relocating of the machine&
Half Moon Hopper&
Large half moon shaped feed cylinder that can take most items whole&
Direct driven cutting tools from a strong heavy duty motor with planetary gear transmission&
Leaning design reduces stress on shoulders and back when the machine is being refilled&
Angle top Feed head as an accessory for cutting angle shaped slices. Good for Asian wok dishes or for different types of soup&
Easy piling of tomatoes, onions, bell peppers etc. for oriented slicing&
Table top model that can be used on a kitchen workbench
The RG-100 Vegetable Cutting Machine slices, dices, shreds, grates, makes julienne and crimping slices in a variety of dimensions. It processes fruit, vegetables, dry bread, cheese, nuts, mushrooms, etc. Its table top design is perfect for commercial use and long life.This is a high capacity machine that processes up to 400 portions/day and 5 kg/minute.