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ICEMATIC 300kg High Production Super Flake Ice Machine

SKU B305-A
Price incl. GST (10%) $885.36
Product Details

Flake ice is generated through a vertical cylinder, with an internal auger which scrapes the ice from the internal surface of the evaporator. This produces uniform flake ice with a residual water content. Flake ice has a lot of uses, from the conservation and display of fresh fish to cocktail creation and juice bars. Flake ice is also used in hospitals and during the production of sausages and bread, to chill the mix. Flake ice is extremely versatile.

Low water content super flaker.
Up to 300kg production per 24/hr of super flake ice.
Head only, stainless steel cabinet.
Complete with water & drain hoses.
Single phase power supply.

570 mm Width
545 mm Depth
535 mm Height

12 months parts
12 months labour


BH76 + KBT14 SUGGESTED STORAGE BIN (sold separately)
Stainless steel storage bin.
244kg capacity.
Complete with KBT 14 ice machine support, drain hose + 1 ice scoop.
780 mm Width
840 mm Depth
1090 mm Height
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ICEMATIC 300kg High Production Super Flake Ice Machine
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